I guess I should update this so nobody can read it. I've been on this site for fuck knows how many years, and never really made an animation I was proud of. I feel I don't have the attention span to really rub out something I'm proud of. I always give up halfway in or start taking shortcuts via motion tweens. But maybe one day that phase will pass.
I am working on a video game parody cartoon right now, and I can't say for certain when it will be done. I'm taking my time on it, and at the same time, going to school and job hunting, so I can't work on it as much as I would like. I also put in my fair amount of achievement whoring time on my xbox.
I do way more art than I post on this board, so I'll try to get into the habit of posting more of it on here; at least what I like.
If you saw my i heart drugs contest entry and enjoyed it, be sure to follow me or mc on twitter:
And be sure to become a fan or "like" (or whatever the fuck facebook is calling it these days) at:
http://www.facebook.com/pages/mc-chris /25975147278
And be sure to become a fan on me on youtube so you can see shitty WIPs that I'll only be posting there.
That about sums it up.
I'm quite well, how are you?