To anyone that's stopping by, feel free to comment. Lemme know how you're doing, etc.
Until then, enjoy some fanart. Since, you know, that's all I draw.
Also, did you hear? Ryan Reynolds has signed on to play every single character in the Venture Bros live action movie.
Update: Too lazy to make a new blog and at the same time, I can't stop looking at that sexy Ryan Reynolds as Dr. Mrs. The Monarch. Gonna try to pump out some more art soon. And maybe reach out to some fellow artists as well so I'm not such a loner. Gotta come up with some more ideas for my art though because, if you haven't noticed, I'm totally the kind of artist that will go for a cheap laugh over making some deep meaningful piece. Not to say I'd sacrafice quality.
Here's an example of my thought process: Why don't all public bathrooms play loud music? I mean, really. You go in there, you try and "poop" if you can even call it that, but c'mon! Everytime you hear that door open, you clench your buttcheeks together as hard as you can so no one can hear your lovely bowel movements. As soon as you hear that door again, you're cautious to let loose because you don't know if there's now nobody in the bathroom or TWO people in the bathroom. To me, that's scarier than going on a date with a girl from You know your tendencies when you're at home, pooping: The world is your oyster, you don't hold back one bit. So in all honesty, unless you have total disregard to what people think about you, you're just not pooping to your full potential and that's a technical foul.
Poop to your full potential and have a great day.